Flociety and The Rites of Spring

It is always inspiring to me when I get to experience the fruits of creative collaboration among community. This past weekend, the Edmonton-based tribe known as Flociety hosted a celebration of the transition from Winter to Spring with music, dancing, fire spinning, creative arts, and food. The devotional attention of this tribe, put forth into […]

The Prema Sai Sanctuary

There are few businesses in Calgary devoted to the health and happiness of the individual human spirit. Indeed, even less that have a compassionate heart at the helm, directing the course of its service ship. It was a serendipitous turn of events that unfolded into a moment of connection with one such heart. I walked […]

Heart Boldness: Finding Security in Feeling Uncertain

Allowing the Seeds to Sprout The times are calling for a new song to be emanating from our home, Earth. We are becoming aware of the possibility that everything we know in our lives can change at any time. In fact, all it takes is an instant. A text message. A phone call. We can […]

Illuminated Inshala

Rain was falling from the dull grey clouds in the sky above. Evening was approaching faster on account of the hazy blanket covering the open prairies of Southern Alberta. As I neared the Inshala festival grounds in my camper Magic, I was overtaken by thoughts of separation. Now minutes from the gate I suddenly felt […]

Exploring the Heart of Roberts Creek

Exploring the Heart of Roberts Creek An air of calm excitation surrounded me as I hopped on the first bus along the day’s transit. My gracious Victoria hosts saw me off to my next destination and the first invitation for the collective: the honour to facilitate an evening gathering exploring a gift economy and the […]

Peaceable PARC

Peaceable PARC It was a windy day in the small Californian town of Eureka. The sun blazing above kept the people warm and nourished as spring slowly returned to the coast. Jenny and I were making our way to a humble place of service known to the locals as PARC. Our GPS directed us to […]

Opening the Sonic Portal

 Opening the Sonic Portal Wandering through the sea of people I came upon a most peculiar sight. The attention of many was directed toward a geometric structure with multiple metal gongs hanging around the sides. An opening to the portal drew me in to the center along with a throng of other mystical beings. The […]