This community-based project is made possible thanks to many hands and hearts coming together in a common goal. In addition to the numerous individuals, we would like to acknowledge the local, independent businesses that have helped with the vision as it becomes a reality.

The Diesel to Waste Vegetable Oil Conversion

“It is possible to operate a modern diesel engine on renewable, sulphur-free, cleaner burning, local, sustainably produced and processed, job-creating, agriculture-supporting plant oils, but since petroleum diesel fuel has been inexpensive relative to vegetable oil, the field has been relatively unexplored in recent years. That is changing. In fact, in many parts of the world, vegetable oil is already less expensive than petroleum diesel fuel. We supply what is needed to convert diesel engines to operate using Straight Vegetable Oil (SVO) as fuel, without conversion to “biodiesel” or the addition of solvents.”


The LED Lighting

A local lighting and renovation independent business with a variety of professional indoor and outdoor LED lighting services, thermal imaging services and home renovations.


The Solar Panel System

Eclipse creates an alternative energy source for residential and commercial uses, by taking advantage of Calgary’s abundant sunny days, and implementing solar thermal systems and technology.

Founded in 2014, Eclipse Sustainability Projects began as a simple conversation between two friends who had a passion for the future of sustainability. The straightforward and sustainable practices of permaculture along with the premise of solar heating solutions ignited the establishment of Eclipse.