What is The Collective Tribe?
"And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world."
-John Steinbeck, East of Eden
The Collective Tribe is a community of artists and intellects, dreamers and doers, and healers and helpers - working to co-create the more beautiful world we know to be possible. We see the world for what it is, balancing what the world has to offer now (realism) with an awareness of what potential beauty awaits in the future (idealism). We believe crisis births great opportunity and each individual has a valuable part to play in propagating the seeds of harmonious living. The world is ripe for change; and with a relatable, inspiring, playful, and down-to-earth model for this collaborative, solutions-based project, our transmedia storytelling adventure serves to amplify such change.

The Mission
To provide a solutions-based platform for people to uncover self-empowerment, develop their gifts, and build a supportive community through the creative arts, play, and practical service.
The Collective Tribe is dedicated to inspiring and empowering individual action with a collective focus, so that we may all discover our gifts and be supported in offering them back to the world. We like to ask, "How can we cultivate our creative passions and offer them in service to the whole?"
The Story
Transmedia storytelling is the technique of telling a single story or story experience across multiple platforms and formats using current digital technologies. It involves creating content that engages an audience using various techniques to permeate their daily lives. This develops into stories across multiple forms of media in order to deliver unique pieces of content in each channel. Importantly, these pieces of content are not only linked together, but are in narrative synchronization with each other.
-- Source: Wikipedia.org
The Solutions
The internet has accelerated the flow of information and ideas across the globe at a pace beyond anyone's ability to keep up. We are perpetually connected in real-time to nearly the entire planet through our mobile devices, and yet we still experience a disconnection from the world in front of our eyes and the human relationships that give us meaning. The web allows creativity to travel around the globe with ease and The Collective Tribe utilizes this digital tool to create a space to bring together those pursuing the betterment of the world through creativity and technology, healing the breakdown of meaningful relationships. The solutions we seek are available and the period of implementation, practice, and propagation on ground level is now.
The Bus
Imagine a magical school bus that is home and transportation to a half dozen creative characters - artists, visionaries, crafters, storytellers, dreamers, performers, and musicians - all sharing their unique perspective of an incredible collaborative adventure, through their personal creativity. The bus is fueled by recycled vegetable oil, powered by solar, and contributed to by an entire community of passionate people giving through their gifts. Where is it going and what are these goofballs doing on the bus? That's where you come in!
The Services
What better way to practice, implement, and propagate working solutions with the world than by actually going to do it! The solutions-based transmedia storytelling adventure will feature missions to different communities, projects, and events with a team of helping hands and eager hearts. Invitations are received by the community, the bus provides the means to get there, and the characters provide the creative mediums to share the adventure online with the world.
The Path
Celebrating the small victories in life while feeling supported and acknowledged in our struggles is an integral part of a healthy, connected community. When we work together we discover ourselves capable of much more than we are alone. This is how we remember our personal power and create a life we love.
Developing Our Gifts
The Bus is a collaborative, community project – based on the philosophy of the gift. We believe that each individual has an innate desire to give back to others. By creating this space for playful service we invite those wishing to contribute to do so in whatever way they love most, providing valuable opportunity to practice our gifts.
Community Support
Teamwork makes the dream work. When we surround ourselves with people who share a common vision, what seems impossible alone becomes a breeze as a community. Collaboration invites each of us to explore mutually supportive relationships of giving and receiving.
The Invitation
Want to get involved with the community and come out to play? We are looking for people who are into creating and experimenting with a new model of storytelling and service. Whatever it is you love to create, we have an opening for it! Click here to find out how!
The Characters