Vivacious Victoria

Vivacious Victoria

Vivacious Victoria

The journey from Portland to Victoria went off smoothly with our camper Magic running happy after the necessary repairs were made. Two days in a small town called Tumwater led us to some foot tramping around the quaint settlement and presented many gifting opportunities along the way. Once the monetary inflow arrived to propel us further, Jenny and I were on our way to the ferry that would take us into Canada and onto Vancouver Island.

The sun was shining bright to welcome us to Victoria. A minor interrogative and intrusive experience at the border patrol landing left us somewhat shaken and called for attention with clearing the residual emotional turmoil. A Canadian returning after nine months with an American woman in a colourfully painted camper apparently raised some flags. Despite our reassurances we were doing no harm, the border patrol insisted on challenging our story. Apparently living in the gift and traveling without specific plans does not integrate well with their perception of the world. Underneath the violent language we could hear their legitimate queries and responded with loving compassion. Documents were returned and we were on our way!

Immediately upon our entry to Victoria we were presented with a serendipitous encounter. A brother from home spotted the camper while riding his bike and we were able to exchange a brief greeting before being honked to proceed. We continued on to our destination.

Character homes of all shapes, sizes, and colours line the cobble roads as we drove to find our new hosts. Gardens, trees, flowers, and a plethora of plants treated our eyes and filled our noses with incredibly vibrant fragrances. This place feels so alive and fresh! I could feel an energy fill my body I had not felt in some time. The final turn took us up the dirt driveway of our next destination. A home hidden back further than the rest, a community space known as Querencia.

The dirt road went up a slight incline and quickly gave way to an immense dwelling nestled in the wild vegetation. Gardens spotted the vast property with newly sprouted seedlings excited to greet the spring sun. An open space for the camper invited us to park and walk around the enchanting space. A fire pit sat around the side of the home next to the skeleton framework of a traditional sweat lodge. The home towered above and yet was still a part of the environment, as though the wild had partially reclaimed it, causing a natural camouflage effect. The air of this community space had a vibrancy that immediately put me into peace.

Inside the home we were greeted with a familiar cat who personified his feral roots perfectly due to his wild environment of exploration. Despite his attempts to appear independent, he still approached for some caressing love. The dwelling had a rustic cabin feel to it. Trinkets and toys of all kinds spotted the shelves. Books and instruments, both of healing and harmony, were intentionally placed around the rooms with lush green plants to fill the space.

There were no people available to greet us so we departed on a mini adventure of our own into town, awaiting the more appropriate moment to receive a full tour and welcoming. It was easy to tell that this loving community space had many seeds just waiting to burst forth into the world. A place of nurturance, support, healing, and love so needed in the world today. A true embodiment of graceful compassion for our brothers and sisters in need. Such an excitement for present potential of this space! Thank you Querencia!

More to come…

The Collective


To find out what Querencia is up to online, check out their facebook page


To find out what Querencia is up to online, check out their facebook page

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