A Summer Recap

The month of July came and went, as Skye Dreamer and I traveled across the beautiful planes to Northern Alberta in our camper named Magic (Carpet). Our eight-hour drive brought us to the sacred space of Astral Harvest, a down-to-earth transformative festival filled with music, dance, and family. The essence of the spirit of the […]

Quintessential Querencia (Her Story)

The journey had brought us to the home of four individuals and the welcoming, open arms to many more that touched their every day lives. Their extended love spread throughout the city of Victoria and you could feel it. Up to this point in what I (Jenny) loving called the Unconditional Love Tour, I had […]

Vivacious Victoria

Vivacious Victoria The journey from Portland to Victoria went off smoothly with our camper Magic running happy after the necessary repairs were made. Two days in a small town called Tumwater led us to some foot tramping around the quaint settlement and presented many gifting opportunities along the way. Once the monetary inflow arrived to […]