Sex, Money, and Friendship: Creativity is the New Prosperity

The flow of creativity has a pace of its own. When we find ourselves immersed in a labour of love, all notions of time seem to get tossed out of the window. Our focus centers on the present moment task at hand and hours dissolve as artist merges with the art. Falling into a rhythm […]

It’s Not About the Money: A New Story of Philanthropy

We are learning to see again. The blindfolds that we once wore to keep out the light have fallen off and we are remembering. A time has come and gone in which we have collectively experienced a dark night of the soul, a sort of amnesia that left us in a space of forgetfulness. So […]

Peaceable PARC

Peaceable PARC It was a windy day in the small Californian town of Eureka. The sun blazing above kept the people warm and nourished as spring slowly returned to the coast. Jenny and I were making our way to a humble place of service known to the locals as PARC. Our GPS directed us to […]